Data structure with ids

Splitting (not relevant for non-divisible elements), ctrl-dragging, and of course any client code that manipulates the document could end up copying nodes.

One idea I want to explore is to leave footnotes as inline content in the text. That might not be fore everyone (it requires a different kind of interface, and you won’t be able to have multiple paragraphs in a single footnote), but it’d be easy to edit. In this model, footnotes would just be an inline ‘style’ (I have to rename ‘style’ to something else, will do so soon – sorry about the backwards-incompatibility). But there will be awkwardness there too – we’d have to somehow prevent such pieces of text from being split.

Here’s where I am so far with deduplication: with my class’ get content (), I’m calling this deduplication with both the live DOM and the current PM doc:

function domMutationDedupeIds (domChildren, doc) {
  let ids = []
  let len = domChildren.length
  for (let i=0; i<len; i++) {
    let child = domChildren[i]
    let id = child.getAttribute('data-grid-id')
    if (!id || ids.indexOf(id) !== -1) {
      id = uuid.v4()
      // Need to set it in both dom and doc for future consistency
      child.setAttribute('data-grid-id', id)
      doc.content[i] = id

Feels dangerous to set it both the DOM and the doc like that. Is there a cleaner way that I’m missing?

NOOOOOOOOO. Don’t mess with the DOM, and definitely don’t mutate ProseMirror document nodes like that. Go through the transform interface if you want to change something about the document.

Hehe… thought that it felt dangerous.

Tried to do it the right way, as a transform, but something isn’t working. Is setNodeType with the same type and different attrs the right method? How should I be getting the pos?

// Deduplicate ids
function makeTransformDedupeIds (doc) {
  let ids = []
  let transform = new Transform(doc);
  for (let i = doc.content.iter(), child; child =;) {
    let id =
    if (!id || ids.indexOf(id) !== -1) {
      id = uuid.v4()
      transform.setNodeType(new Pos([i.pos], 0), child.type, {id})
  return transform

Another issue that I’m going to run into… I’m doing this on change (to translate to our format and save), and applying the transform triggers another change event. Is there a way make the apply silent?

Yes, and you should define the way you find the nodes in a way that gives you the pos. If you’re just scanning the whole document, doing so with the nodesBetween method should work well (just pass null, null for the positions so that it covers the whole document)

No, because often code listening for these events (change, transform, etc) will depend on receiving the event for every change. You could listen for transform events and only trigger your code if you see a Step that could actually introduce a duplicate or missing id (this could also very much narrow down the work you have to do).

Why are you doing this on every change? Why not just when exporting the modified document out of the editor?

I only need to check the top-level children / content, so using doc.content.iter() works, right?

I’m still missing something in applying the transform. The transform object looks correct, but after calling pm.apply(transform) the doc and DOM don’t seem to change.

Edit - transform.steps[0] looks correct, but transform.doc doesn’t have expected id changes.

B/c that’s how we have been doing it ;). I’m open to other ideas. We’re autosaving… that’s debounced, but when we get an update from the server we want to merge it with the last change event… this has bitten us when updates come while typing, and there was some hidden debouncing of change events that would cause you to lose some keystrokes and cursor positioning. That’s cruel.

Edit - that merging was happening above the editor component, but maybe should happen within… then we could debounce the autosave event, and only do this id deduping when needed.

Tried to move this to a plugin that only runs on transform events with step.type split, but the id change step still isn’t getting applied to the DOM (context):

transform.setNodeType(new Pos([i.pos], 0), child.type, {id})

Is this the right way to use setNodeType? Pos? Should adding the step to the transform like this make it get applied when the split does?

Are you applying the transform? And are you starting a new one or appending to the one passed to the event handler (don’t do the latter)?

Was appending. How can I apply it synchronously after the event-made transform? should do it. Make sure you only call that when necessary, of course, so that you don’t end up in an infinite recursive event cycle.

Just a heads-up, as you’re probably the only one who was using that API: Schema.addAttribute has been removed, and in general, there is no longer support for adding attributes to node types outside of the node type class definition. This feature had a lot of problems, such as commands associated with the node type not knowing about those new attributes, so I decided to drop it. The way to add attributes is now by subclassing the node type, and overriding its attrs property (possibly using updateAttrs).

Just making sure nothing has changed with this since this old post. So subclassing of all the elements would be the only way to add an additional attributes/data to the elements? Basically I need a way to keep some info with the element.

Yes, you’ll have to subclass. You can use the updateAttrs helper to make adding attributes easier.

For anyone that needs help getting started with this and isn’t use to Prosemirror (I’m getting there) here’s an example for attaching a purple number type reference to paragraph elements. Paragraphs are a good place to start from since all list items and block quotes (etc) use inline paragraph elements, meaning an ID will be attached to their inner block.

Important: it is not a complete solution as on splitting a Block, the purple number is duplicated. I’ll be referring to the above posts in the thread on how to solve this issue. But I figured I’d post what I have so far.

import { defaultSchema, Paragraph} from  'prosemirror/dist/model/defaultschema'
import { Attribute } from  'prosemirror/dist/model/schema'


function makeAttribute(){
    return {_id: new Attribute({
          compute: () => randomString()

class ParagraphExtension extends Paragraph {
    serializeDOM(node, s){
        return s.renderAs(node, "p", {
            _id: node.attrs._id
    parseDOM(dom, options){ return dom.getAttribute("_id") || randomString() }

export function SchemaExtension(){
    return new Schema(defaultSchema.spec.update({
        paragraph : ParagraphExtension

Results in:

      { "type":"paragraph",

<p _id="kCLT">Test</p>
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I see this is a very old thread, I’d like to know going down this road with Prosemirror is a good solution. My company is looking to switch over to Prosemirror from another rich text editor, but we need to keep our existing data structure and update system. Basically like above, we store each top level node by a unique key, and we persist updates to the doc by a transaction with the key of the top level node that was changed, and the new data within. Will this mesh ok with Prosemirror or should I look at other editors?

You should be able to map between such a system and ProseMirror transactions, if you really want to. Getting collaborative editing working with such a representation is another issue, but maybe that’s not a requirement for you.

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