ERROR in node_modules/@types/prosemirror-model/index.d.ts:1132:40 - error TS2709: Cannot use namespace 'OrderedMap' as a type


suddenly from 28/10/2022 we start getting these error messages while trying to build: ERROR in node_modules/@types/prosemirror-model/index.d.ts:1132:40 - error TS2709: Cannot use namespace ‘OrderedMap’ as a type.

1132 nodes: { [name in N]: NodeSpec } | OrderedMap; ~~~~~~~~~~ node_modules/@types/prosemirror-model/index.d.ts:1139:41 - error TS2709: Cannot use namespace ‘OrderedMap’ as a type.

1139 marks?: { [name in M]: MarkSpec } | OrderedMap | null | undefined; ~~~~~~~~~~ node_modules/@types/prosemirror-schema-list/index.d.ts:44:40 - error TS2709: Cannot use namespace ‘OrderedMap’ as a type.

44 nodes: { [name in N]: NodeSpec } | OrderedMap, ~~~~~~~~~~ node_modules/@types/prosemirror-schema-list/index.d.ts:47:81 - error TS2709: Cannot use namespace ‘OrderedMap’ as a type.

47 ): { [name in (N | “ordered_list” | “bullet_list” | “list_item”)]: NodeSpec } | OrderedMap;

The prosemirror dependencies appear to be derived from us using the: “@progress/kendo-angular-editor”: “^2.5.0”,

What has been changed and we are getting those errors and how can we fix it please?

Kind regards, Dimitris

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Having the same issue. Could it be related to the package being deprecated?

See issue 1326. Please don’t post the exact same thing on both the forum and the bug tracker, it just clutters up the channels.

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