Event when Editor updated? (used to be onAction)

There used to be an onAction() editor prop which I used to dump the current state into a text area (for debugging) like this:

const json = document.getElementById('json');

let view = new MenuBarEditorView(document.querySelector("#editor"), {
    state: EditorState.create({
        doc: Node.fromJSON(schema, JSON.parse(json.value)),
        schema: schema,
        plugins: exampleSetup({schema})
    }) ,
    onAction(action) {
        //current state as json in text area
        json.value =  JSON.stringify(view.editor.state.doc.toJSON(), null, 4);
window.view = view.editor;

But it seems this prop is gone. What would be the equivalent to that?

You can now define your own dispatchTransaction prop which will cause every state change of the editor to go through your code. Alternative, if you’re defining a plugin, you can use the state update function of the plugin to keep your state in sync with the rest of the editor state.

Ah! Thank you! For everyone else looking for this, the updated prop look like this:

dispatchTransaction(tr) {
    //current state as json in text area
    json.value =  JSON.stringify(view.editor.state.doc.toJSON(), null, 4);
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