handleKeyDown : error : RangeError: Position -1 outside of fragment (<editorTitleNode, paragraph>)

I’m defining the following custom node in my schema (i’m using tiptap syntax but whatever, it’s just a lib on top of prosemirror)

  name: "editorTitleNode",
  priority: 1000,
  isBlock: true,
  isTextblock: true,
  draggable: false,
  group: "block",
  parseHTML() {
    return [{ tag: "p[class='editor-title-node']" }];
  renderHTML({ node, HTMLAttributes }: any) {
    const { firstChild } = node;    
    if (firstChild) {
      return ["p", mergeAttributes(HTMLAttributes, { class: "editor-title-node" }), 0];
    } else {
      const domEl = document.createElement("p");
      domEl.setAttribute("class", "editor-title-node");      
      // domEl.setAttribute("contenteditable", "true");
      domEl.textContent = "Default Page Title";
      return domEl;

My document has that node compulsory : content: "editorTitleNode block+"

So if initially the editorTitleNode doesn’t have any content , then it will inject the text “Default Page Title” inside the paragraph but then once i try to edit it i’m getting the error :

handleKeyDown : error : RangeError: Position -1 outside of fragment (<editorTitleNode, paragraph>)

Isn’t it possible to just make such as custom node and not a custom node view and make it editable ? Why do i get that error when i try edit the paragraph ?!

If you can set up a minimal script on top of plain ProseMirror that shows this issue, I can take a look.