ProseMirror Flat list (Alpha)

Some wrapper framework of prosemirror may want to limit the schema groups. For example, in Milkdown, I expect everything under doc should be block.

I did add a hard coded block into group. I guess this should be good enough for almost all cases.


Hey @ocavue, just wanted to thank you for creating prosemirror-flat-list. It’s been a lot of help :muscle:.

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@ocavue : Tab seems to be still blocked . Are you planning to allow it . I tried tab on non list nodes as well in your example at but it doesnt allow.


By default, only Mod-[ and Mod-] are used. You would need to add the binding for Tab and Shift-Tab yourself if you want. Here is an example:

I see that the provided example( is based on remirror. does it also support prosemirror? Or does the native prosemirror version require modifications to the source code through hard coding?

It supports PM.

In the ProseMirror version, I didn’t see a method to override Mod-[ and Mod-] using something similar to the createKeymap found in the Remirror version. Therefore, I directly hard-coded the addition of Tab and Shift-Tab.

Hi. Did you manage to do it?