replaceRangeWith is not working


I’m new at ProseMirror :joy: after clone code, I change the code of demo.js, and add the following code but not working:

const { dispatch } = view;

const { tr, doc } = state;

const { paragraph } = schema.nodes;

const textNode = schema.text('Hello Prosemirror!');

const newParagraph = paragraph.create(undefined, textNode);

dispatch(tr.replaceRangeWith(0, doc.content.size, newParagraph)); 

Hope your help! Thanks a lot!

Is the schema you’re using the same schema that the editor uses? In demo.js, that’d be demoSchema.

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I got it! It worked after change “schema” to “demoSchema”, Thanks!

const { dispatch } = view;

const { tr, doc } = state;

const { paragraph } = demoSchema.nodes;

const textNode = demoSchema.text('Hello Prosemirror!');

const newParagraph = paragraph.create(undefined, textNode);

dispatch(tr.replaceRangeWith(0, doc.content.size, newParagraph));