Schema API design

But can we have a generic property inspector, fed by the schema - just like the toolbar but in an a separate panel that is automatically filled with properties valid only for the current context?

Also how about inserting sub nodes that are allowed only under a specific context by the schema? How can we insert those - maybe also a generic toolbar with such elements - fully context and schema aware should be available.

And lastly you want to drag around the specific custom elements - but their contents is defined by the schema as well order in the places (parents) to be dragged. So such dragging functionality should be also fully schema aware,

Having all this available in the core - will help us concentrate on schema design only and make the ProseMirror editor be much more strict but still flexible with different doc schemes.

As use cases think of web sites utilizing for example Bootstrap or other frameworks that require a very specific nesting DOM structure and custom attributes. We should be able to define a schema for it so that the user can edit those elements on a much higher level - as components and don’t mess with their inner structure as they will be partially locked and behave only as the schema allows