Strange behaviour when pasting inside blockquote

Hello, it is me again. I played with the blockquote nodes a little and found another case with copy pasting. I read this thread looking for an explanation for this case but could not find an answer. The case is the following: again we have a blockquote but this time we have another one nested in the first


Now I would like to copy the second paragraph and paste it below it so I can get two paragraphs with text content “two”. If I put the cursor at the beginning of the second paragraph (the one with text content “two”) and then holding the Shift key I press the Down arrow I select the whole paragraph. But it turns out that I get the beginning of the nested blockquote too. In editHandlers.paste handler evaluating data.getData("text/html") gives the following HTML content:

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<blockquote data-pm-slice="2 3 []"><p>two</p><blockquote><p></p></blockquote></blockquote>

If I set the cursor at the beginning of the third paragraph (the one in the nested blockquote with text content “three”) and paste the copied content then that leads to creating another nested blockquote:


So instead of an extra paragraph I get an extra blockquote. So my question is - is there a way to get the new paragprah in that case?

I checked what Google Docs does in similar cases. I could not find a blockquote there but people on the Internet recommend using the “Increase indent” command. So I typed two paragraphs at the default indentation and a third indented paragraph. I copied the second paragraph and paste it at the beginning of the third one and it came at the default indentation just like the original one. This is the behavior that I would like to have in ProseMerror too.

I tried nested bulleted lists too.

* One
* Two
    * Three

Copying the second item and pasting it at the beginning of the third one resulted in this:

* One
* Two
    * Two
    * Three

So bulleted lists have a different behavior in that case - the formatting of the target node is reserved and the pasted content is applied to it leading to a new item on the same level. Still I would like to have the behavior of the text formatted with “Increase indent” command.

Best regards,
