Testing on BrowserStack or Sauce Labs?

Both seems to have free plans for open source projects.

After the splitting into modules lands (soon now), I’d be grateful if someone looks into this.

I think you need to register as the project owner, then credentials can be added later.

Progress, mac os needs some love.

Is it possible to switch to an existing testing framework that has CI integration. extending the existing setup is becoming counter prodcutive.

It might help if you work with the actual current code, which uses Mocha.

I have hit some roadblocks and saucelabs limitations and I don’t think I might be able to overcome. anyone feel free to tackle this if you wish.

You might find this direct comparison between Sauce Labs and Browserstack on IT Central Station to be helpful.

As an example of a review that is part of this comparison, this user writes in his review of Sauce Labs, “It’s ability to test on multiple browsers and OS combinations is invaluable as a QA tool. However, it’s CI integration with Jenkins is why we were able to make a case to include this product in our ATDD process.” You can read the rest of his review here.

Good luck with your search.