Transform.replaceWith split marks?

I just realised that Transform.replaceWith used in the linter example:

function fixPunc(replacement) {
  return function({state, dispatch}) {

split marks.

Initial dom structure (with punctuation problem):

  and, double-click them to 
    automaticall fix
    <div class="lint-icon ProseMirror-widget" title="Suspicious spacing around punctuation" contenteditable="false">
    <span class="problem"> . </span>
  (if supported).

Result after fixPunct did it’s thing:

  and, double-click them to 
  <strong>automaticall fix</strong>
  (if supported).

Is there a way to do a replace text and keep the surrounding mark intact?

There’s no automatic adding of marks in replaceWith, but you can get the active marks at a position with ResolvedPos.marks, and add them to your node.