CellSelection and column resizing in Prosemirror-tables doesn't seem to work in custom node views

I know prosemirror-tables is unsupported but I’m hoping someone might see an easy fix for this.

Here (codesandbox.io) is a link to a working example with tables embedded in various nodes.

Resizing and selecting works when the table is in a basic node. However, when the table is anywhere inside a node with a custom view selection and resizing stops working.

Am I doing something wrong with tables to break this functionality? If not, are there any suggestions to fixing this functionality?

Hi @brentmparker ,I changed the line as the screensnap below and it worked.

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Oh my god, I’m so dumb. I’ve read that code a few dozen times trying to change things to fix it and I never touched that. Thank you so much. This does indeed fix it.