Different text colour for each user in collaborative-editing editor

I’ve been trying for a while trying to add different text colour for each user is typing dow, I’ve tried couple possible solutions to implement a plugin, but all in vain? May I ask if you have any clue how to implement that?

Screenshot 2020-07-17 at 3.59.52 PM Many thanks

for who is interested, I was able to implement that as following Screenshot 2020-07-17 at 5.48.11 PM

const MARK_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT = 'mark-text-highlight';
const schema = {
  nodes: [...],
  marks: [
    attrs: {
      highlightColor: '',
      ychange: { default: null }
    inline: true,
    group: 'inline',
    parseDOM: [
        tag: 'span[style*=background-color]',
        getAttrs: (dom) => {
          const { backgroundColor } = dom.style;
          return {
            highlightColor: backgroundColor,

    toDOM(node) {
      const {highlightColor} = node.attrs;
      let style = '';
      if (highlightColor) {
        style += `background-color: ${highlightColor};`;
      return ['span', {style}, 0];

const highlightPlugin = highlightColor => {
  return new Plugin({
    props: {
      handleKeyDown(view, e) {
        const { state, dispatch } = view;
        let { schema, selection, storedMarks } = state;
        let { $cursor } = selection;
        if (!$cursor) return false;
        return false

Enjoy! :partying_face:

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