Drop Event not firing

Hi folks, I’m working on a TipTap editor which uses ProseMirror under the hood. I’m trying to add the ability to drag files in from the desktop and have them upload on drop, however, the drop handler is never firing. Here is my code, the dragenter and dragover are both working fine. Am I doing something wrong?

new Plugin({
  props: {
    handleDOMEvents: {
      dragover: (view, event: Event) => {
        console.log("dragover", event);
        return true;
      dragenter: (view, event: Event) => {
        console.log("dragenter", event);
        return true;
      drop: (view, event: Event) => {
        console.log("drop", event);
        return true;

If I add this to a vanilla editor, the drop handler is called just fine. Maybe you have another plugin with a drop handler handling the event.