Email Templating with ProseMirror

Hi all,

I just wanted to share a project I’ve built with ProseMirror:

It’s an email templating editor. It allows you to adjust styles and colors globally (or at least by section) kind of the way you would with styles in something like InDesign. It’s a little clunky and not particularly intuitive, but we do use it at my job and I’ve found that once you have the styles set up the way you want it’s fairly easy to edit and create new emails. The program handles inlining all the styles and it tries to make sure the final html that gets output works as expected in most email clients (it adds in all the html table nastiness for you). You can see an example here. If I ever find the time, I would like to write up a little guide for it.

Obviously, there’s a touch of irony in using ProseMirror for something like this, since ProseMirror is about creating semantically meaningful documents and emails are…not that. Nonetheless, I was kind of amazed by how powerful the library is and how far I was able to take it.


Very interesting! I’m glad to see someone tackle this, as I’ve had ‘email builder’ on my list of future ProseMirror projects, but I’ve got carried away with a handful of plugins for a page builder that I can hopefully share soon. I think this is an incredibly useful project.

Always happy to see Web Components getting some love as well.

Is this open source? I’d love to poke around in the codebase.