Facing issue as cursor sometime changes position on click

import { Plugin, PluginKey } from "prosemirror-state";
import { Decoration, DecorationSet } from "prosemirror-view";
import TableCell from "@tiptap/extension-table-cell";
import { findParentNode } from "@tiptap/core";

export default TableCell.extend({
  addNodeView() {
    return ({ editor, node, getPos }) => {
      const { view } = editor;
      const cell = document.createElement("td");
      cell.style.color = "black";
      cell.style.position = "relative";
      const cellContent = document.createElement("div");
      cellContent.style.display = "flex";
      cellContent.style.position = "relative";
      cellContent.style.marginLeft = "8px";
      cellContent.style.marginRight = "8px";

      // Set the background color from attributes
      if (node.attrs.backgroundColor) {
        cell.style.backgroundColor = node.attrs.backgroundColor;

      return {
        dom: cell,
        contentDOM: cellContent,

  addProseMirrorPlugins() {
    const pluginKey = new PluginKey("table");

    return [
      new Plugin({
        key: pluginKey,
        state: {
          init: () => ({ selectedCellPos: null }),
          apply(tr, value, oldState, newState) {
            const editorFocused = tr.getMeta("EDITOR_FOCUSED");
            if (editorFocused === false) return value;

            const { schema, selection } = newState;
            const {
              tableCell: schemaTableCell,
              tableHeader: schemaTableHeader,
            } = schema.nodes;
            const tableCell = findParentNode(
              ({ type }) =>
                type === schemaTableCell || type === schemaTableHeader
            if (tableCell) {
              return { selectedCellPos: tableCell.start };

            return { selectedCellPos: null };
        props: {
          decorations(state) {
            const { selectedCellPos } = this.getState(state);
            const decorations = [];
            if (selectedCellPos !== null) {
              const $pos = state.doc.resolve(selectedCellPos);
              const node = $pos.nodeAfter;
              const nodeParent = $pos.parent;
              if (node && nodeParent.type.name === "tableCell") {
                const cellEnd = $pos.end();
                const cellDecor = Decoration.widget(
                  () => {
                    const btn = document.createElement("button"); // Note: lowercase 'button'
                    btn.textContent = "Click Me";
                    btn.setAttribute("contentEditable", "false");
                    btn.setAttribute("data-pos", selectedCellPos);
                    btn.style.position = "absolute"; // Absolute positioning
                    btn.style.right = "10px"; // Position from the right edge
                    btn.style.bottom = "10px"; // Position from the bottom edge
                    btn.style.zIndex = "10"; // Ensure it's on top
                    btn.style.backgroundColor = "#007bff"; // Optional: make the button visually distinct
                    btn.style.color = "#fff"; // Optional: text color
                    btn.style.border = "none"; // Optional: remove default button border
                    btn.style.padding = "5px 10px"; // Optional: add some padding
                    btn.style.borderRadius = "3px"; // Optional: rounded corners
                    btn.addEventListener("click", () => {
                      alert("Button clicked!");

                    return btn;
                  { key: "button-decoration" }
                ); // Add a key for unique identification


            return DecorationSet.create(state.doc, decorations);

I am making a plugin for tiptap editor, So I want to show cell options whenever the cell is selected. But somehow not sure using this plugin in some cases (not always) the cursor get updated to the next cell. Please help I am new to all these. Thanks in advance. Please let me also know if there is any alternative for this, Also would appreciate if could tell me how can I fire the event so that a popper from outside can be triggered with options.