Floating menu (bubble menu)

Hello, I am new to prosemirror. I am using the tooltip example and i would like to add a menu bar so when i clickon a word the menu bar pops up.

I also saw the custom menu example.

What would be the best way to combine the 2 plugins

in the tooltip example in the SelectionSizeTooltip class and in the update function there this

this.tooltip.textContent = to - from;

which holds what gets displayed in the tool tip.

i am guessing somehow the custom menu example plugin needs to go in there.

any ideas on how can that be accomplished

thank you.

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Hi gwit , something like this might help…

			content: this._createselectionmenu(schema)

“selectionMenu” plugin, _createselectionmenu is basically just returning an array of menu items

import {Plugin} from "prosemirror-state"
import {renderGrouped} from "prosemirror-menu"
/*import { coordsAtPos } from "../utils/position.js"*/

export function selectionMenu(options) {
  return new Plugin({
    view(editorView) { return new SelectionMenu(editorView, options) }

class SelectionMenu {

  constructor(editorView, options) {

    this.editorView = editorView
    this.options = options

    this.menu = document.createElement("div");
    this.menu.style.display = "none";
    this.menu.style.position = "absolute";
    this.menu.className = "pm-selectionmenu";

    let {dom, update} = renderGrouped(this.editorView, this.options.content)

    this.contentUpdate = update

    this.update(editorView, null);

  update(view, lastState) {

    const {state, readOnly} = view;

    if (!state || readOnly || state.selection.empty ) {
      if ( this.menu.style.display !== "none" ){
        this.menu.style.display = "none";

    this.menu.style.display = "block";

    if (!this.menu.offsetParent) {
      if ( this.menu.style.display !== "none" ) {
        this.menu.style.display = "none";
    // Update the Content state before calculating the position

    const { from, to } = state.selection;

    try {
      const start = view.coordsAtPos(from);
      const end = view.coordsAtPos(to);

      let box = this.menu.getBoundingClientRect();

      let offsetParentBox = this.menu.offsetParent.getBoundingClientRect();
      let left = (((start.left + end.left) / 2) - (box.width/2) - offsetParentBox.left);

      if ( left < 5 ) {
          left = 5;

      this.menu.style.left = left + "px";
      this.menu.style.top = (start.top - offsetParentBox.top - box.height) + "px";
    } catch (err) {


  destroy() {
    if ( this.menu ) {

thank you, that’s a good start