Floating menu with the top offset

I use the prosemirror-menu module and I have a fixed navigation on top of my website. When I scroll down my menuBar sticks to the top of the window but underneath navbar so it’s not visible. Is there a possibility to add the top offset to the floating menuBar?

I see that this bit of code is responsible for it and it’s just the matter of changing the “breakpoint” in if statements and adding this.menu.style.top = offset:

MenuBarEditorView.prototype.updateFloat = function updateFloat () {
  var parent = this.wrapper, editorRect = parent.getBoundingClientRect()
  if (this.floating) {
    if (editorRect.top >= 0 || editorRect.bottom < this.menu.offsetHeight + 10) {
      this.floating = false
      this.menu.style.position = this.menu.style.left = this.menu.style.top = this.menu.style.width = ""
      this.menu.style.display = ""
      this.spacer = null
    } else {
      var border = (parent.offsetWidth - parent.clientWidth) / 2
      this.menu.style.left = (editorRect.left + border) + "px"
      this.menu.style.display = (editorRect.top > window.innerHeight ? "none" : "")
  } else {
    if (editorRect.top < 0 && editorRect.bottom >= this.menu.offsetHeight + 10) {
      this.floating = true
      var menuRect = this.menu.getBoundingClientRect()
      this.menu.style.left = menuRect.left + "px"
      this.menu.style.width = menuRect.width + "px"
      this.menu.style.position = "fixed"
      this.spacer = crel("div", {class: prefix + "-spacer", style: ("height: " + (menuRect.height) + "px")})
      parent.insertBefore(this.spacer, this.menu)
exports.MenuBarEditorView = MenuBarEditorView

What is the best way of handling it?

I’d accept a pull request that makes the top offset an option passed to the plugin.

I’d like to do this as I need the fixed menubar. question: what is the purpose of the scrollAncestor param to MenuBarView.prototype.updateFloat()?

It seems to be there to align the bar with the top of the scrolling element when scrolling something that’s not the top-level page. It doesn’t appear to work very well though. I’ll open an issue (#18).