Help with React ProseMirror development: Chrome steals focus from node view input

Hey @marijn! I’m currently running into an issue with React ProseMirror and I’m hoping (praying, really) that it’s going to ring a bell for you. If not, no worries!

The minimal implementation here is a custom node view is marked as an atom and implements some interactive controls. I’m using a button to represent these, as a simple native element that is focusable.

The desired behavior is that when a user clicks on a button, that button receives focus. In Firefox, with React ProseMirror, this is what happens.

In Chrome, though, this works with plain ProseMirror View, but with React ProseMirror, the button is focused initially, and then immediately focus moves back to the editor.

Here’s the plain ProseMirror sample code (this works!):

const schema = new Schema({
  nodes: {
    doc: { content: "block+" },
    text: { group: "inline" },
    button: {
      group: "block",
      content: "text*",
      atom: true,
      toDOM(node) {
        return ["button", { type: "button" }, node.textContent];

const editorState = EditorState.create({
  doc: schema.nodes.doc.create({}, [
    schema.nodes.button.create({}, schema.text("Click me!")),

const root = document.getElementById("root")!;

new EditorView(root, {
  state: editorState,
  nodeViews: {
    button(node) {
      const dom = document.createElement("button");
      dom.type = "button";
      return {
        stopEvent() {
          return true;

I guess what I’m asking is: Do you remember having to add any Chrome-specific hacks to make this kind of thing work? React ProseMirror is already directly using the prosemirror-view input handlers, so I’m at a bit of a loss figuring out what’s going wrong.

Again, no worries if this doesn’t ring any bells for you!

I don’t maintain react-prosemirror.

Ah, I know; I do! Sorry, I should have been clearer; I wasn’t sure whether it was better to start a discussion here or on the react-prosemirror repo. I’m not asking for you to fix this for me, I was just hoping I could pick your brain about this behavior, in case you had any thoughts.

Ah, I figured it out! I had missed that prosemirror-view sets contenteditable to false for node views without contentDOMs. Sorry for the noise!

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