Initialize nested extensions and pass attrs to them

Hi guys,

i’m a little bit stuck. i want to create an extension with some nested extension inside of it. additionally i want to pass an attr to the “parent”-extension and it should pass that attribute to the children.

my parent-code looks like this:

export default class myParent extends Node {
      get name () {
        return 'my_parent'

      get schema () {
        return {
          attrs: {
            parentId: {
              default: undefined
      group: 'block',
      content: 'child_one child_two,
      parseDOM: [{
        tag: '[data-type="parent"]',
        getAttrs: dom => ({
          dataId: dom.getAttribute('parent-id')
      toDOM: node => {
        const {parentId} = node.attrs
        return ['div', {'class': 'parent_class', 'data-type': 'parent', 'parent-id': parentId}, 0]

  command ({type, attrs}) {
    return chainCommands(exitCode, (state, dispatch) => {
      const child1 = state.schema.nodes.child_one.create(attrs)
      const child2 = state.schema.nodes.child_two.create(attrs)
      dispatch(, [child1, child2])))

code of child_one and child_two looks pretty similar to each other:

export default class ChildTwo extends Node {
  get name () {
    return 'child_two'

      get schema () {
        return {
          attrs: {
            parentId: {
              default: undefined
          content: 'paragraph+',
          group: 'paragraph',
          parseDOM: [{
            tag: '[class="child-two"]'
          toDOM: (node) => {
            return ['div', {class: 'child_class', 'contenteditable': true}, 0]

does anybody has an idea why this won’t work? it does show up, but i cant go into the child-tags and edit their content? my cursor jumps out immediately :-/

any help would be helpful :slight_smile:

Why are you putting contenteditable: true in the DOM for the children? That might be related.

oh thank you for your fast reply!

i added it, because the content of the children should be editable if the user wants change it. Isn’t the contenteditable-attribute needed then?

i just removed it and still the same error occurs(cursor behaves crazy. jumps out as soon as i click inside).

Being editable is inherited in the DOM, so you don’t need to re-set it for every wrapper node.

Your command looks like it’s going to create invalid nodes—child_one.create(attrs) will create a child_one node without children. You may want .createAndFill(attrs) instead.

wow that helped step further to get into prosemirror! thank you so much for your fast reaction!

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