Input rules for wrapping marks

I came up with this:

function markInputRule(regexp, markType, getAttrs, skipStart) {
    return new InputRule(regexp, (state, match, start, end) => {
        let attrs = getAttrs instanceof Function ? getAttrs(match) : getAttrs
        let tr =
        if (match[1]) {
            let skipMatch;
            let skipLen = 0;

            if (skipMatch = skipStart && match[0].match(skipStart)) {
                skipLen = skipMatch[0].length;
                start += skipLen;

            let textStart = start + match[0].indexOf(match[1]) - skipLen
            let textEnd = textStart + match[1].length
            if (textEnd < end) tr.delete(textEnd, end)
            if (textStart > start) tr.delete(start, textStart)
            end = start + match[1].length
        tr.addMark(start, end, markType.create(attrs))
        return tr

(skipStart is a hack for emphasis because some browsers don’t yet support lookbehinds in Regex.)

And, here are the rules I used:

// strong (** AND __)
markInputRule(/(?:\*\*)([^\*]+)(?:\*\*)$/, marks.strong),
markInputRule(/(?:\s__)([^_]+)(?:__)$/, marks.strong),

// em (* and _)
markInputRule(/(?:^|[^\*])(?:\*)([^\*]+)(?:\*)$/, marks.em, {}, /^[^\*]/),
markInputRule(/(?:^|[^_])(?:_)([^_]+)(?:_)$/, marks.em, {}, /^[^_]/),

// links
markInputRule(/(?:\[([^\]]+)\])(\([^\)]+\))$/,, function(match) {
    return {href: match[2]}

// code (prosemirror-codemark adds this)
markInputRule(/(?:`)([^`]+)(?:`)$/, marks.code),

// strikethrough
markInputRule(/(?:~~)([^~]+)(?:~~)$/, marks.s),

// sup & sub
markInputRule(/(?:\^)([^\^]+)(?:\^)$/, marks.sup),
markInputRule(/(?:~)([^~]+)(?:~)$/, marks.sub),

// mark
markInputRule(/(?:==)([^=]+)(?:==)/, marks.mark),

Instead of the code inputrule, I let prosemirror-codemark handle that (with better cursors).