I am looking for a framework for the development of an online editor for XML documents for a research project at the Humboldt University in Berlin.
Currently we are using an extension of the OxygenXML Desktop Editor based on Java SWING.
The next step is to replace this with an online WYSIWYG solution.
I like Prosemirror because I understand that I have a high degree of flexibility with the supported markup and I can also integrate the editor well into React.
Question, is Prosemirror the right choice if I want to:
Display and edit complex XML with custom styles → here is an example of a resource I need to work with Brief: fmb-1821-11-04-01
I simply want to customise, delete or add nodes in the document
I want to connect the editor to another framework like React (I know, that there is a good plugin from Ntimes)
Only if you have a specific XML schema that you want to provide editing for, and are prepared to figure out and implement editing UI for manipulating the parts of the schema that aren’t covered by standard WYSIWYG editing.
Yes, I realise that the implementation is not an easy task that can be done on the side. But since time is currently not the limiting factor at the moment, I would like to take on this task
We have an open source project at os-aps.de that uses ProseMirror to capture academic content and then exports as JATS XML (which might be a close cousin of your XML format). Please feel free to have a look and see if that could work for your use case. There’s a demo on the website under getting started as well. The project is partly funded by the BMBF so there development is still ongoing for a compatible reader, more XML exports and other features.