Making nodes; render a given phrase as the `doc`;

I am hoping I can render inside ProseMirror a simple phrase I can modify.

I am using code such as:

import { schema } from "prosemirror-schema-basic"
import { EditorState } from "prosemirror-state"
import { EditorView } from "prosemirror-view"

// ...

      var node = schema.nodes.paragraph.create({
        type: 'paragraph',
        value: { content: "'hello'" },

      this.playgroundModel = EditorState.create({
        doc: node,

      this.playgroundDisplay = new EditorView(
        { state: this.playgroundModel },

I am unsure the arguments I need to pass into schema.nodes.paragraph.create({...}).

I found a solution, making use of the Node class exported from prosemirror-model.

      let content = {
        "doc": {
          "type": "doc",
          "content": [{
            "type": "paragraph",
            "attrs": {
              "align": "left"
            "content": [{
              "type": "text",
              "text": this.state.code
        "selection": {
          "type": "text",
          "anchor": 16,
          "head": 16

      let node = Node.fromJSON(schema, content.doc)

      this.playgroundModel = ProseModel.create({ schema, doc: node })