Null node reference in the middle of document positions?

when I try to print in the console all nodes in the positions from 0 until doc.content.size this is what happened:

Is this normal behavior ? Is it expected that some positions might not have a node ?

I came across this while debugging a problem in my application and just wanted to make sure this is not a bug in ProseMirror or a problem with my schema definition or something else.

this is how JSON.stringify(currentCanvasState.doc.toJSON()) looks like in case it helps:

	"type": "doc",
	"content": [{
		"type": "section",
		"attrs": {
			"id": "section_1"
		"content": [{
			"type": "sectionHeader",
			"attrs": {
				"id": "section_1_header",
				"sectionId": "section_1",
				"text": "Section 1",
				"dueDate": null,
				"index": 0
		}, {
			"type": "sectionContent",
			"attrs": {
				"id": "section_1_content",
				"collapsed": false
			"content": [{
				"type": "paragraph",
				"content": [{
					"type": "text",
					"text": "2"
			}, {
				"type": "paragraph",
				"content": [{
					"type": "text",
					"text": "FFF"
			}, {
				"type": "paragraph",
				"content": [{
					"type": "text",
					"text": "22"
			}, {
				"type": "paragraph",
				"content": [{
					"type": "text",
					"text": "12312312312312333"
			}, {
				"type": "paragraph",
				"content": [{
					"type": "text",
					"text": "ff2222ff22222fffffffffffffffffff22ffffffffffffsasdasdasdasdasdasd"

Ya this is right. You probably should use one of the child walking methods on like currentCanvasState.doc.descendants.

Positions are defined as placed between ‘tokens’, which can be characters, node starts, node ends, or a whole leaf node. As such, not every position has a node starting there (for example, if you have multiple closing tokens following each other at the end of nested nodes).

Ok, thanks!