Problem with nested custom nodes in IE11

Hello, im stuck on the following problem , im having this schema

	type: doc,
	content: [
			type: page
			content: block+

Im simulating A4 pages with 298mm height and 211mm width.When i start to type in the first empy paragraph of the page and then try to go on the next line hiting ‘Enter’ , the editor splits the paragraph and move the selection in the transaction but the blinking cursor remains on the previous row.

When i remove the width and height everything is working as it should. Im using baseKeymap from prosemirror-commands .This problem is making the editing of the document imposible in IE11. And i dont know if i am doing somethink wrong. Please help.

The problem might be that IE uses some strange special mode for explicitly sized elements (giving you the resize handles visible in the screenshot). Maybe one of these solutions for disabling that behavior help here?

Hello @marijn , i was able to remove the resize handles but the cursor keep staying on the same row. However i have a custom chain of commands on “Enter” where i ended my transactions with


I applied that explicitly for IE11 and for now it seems to work fine. Thanks a lot for your help!