Hey ProseMirror users,
I’ve been working on a plugin to handle track changes. Unfortunately, the example in the official docs is not suitable for my needs as I couldn’t see a way to use it to track and render deletions e.g. with a strikethrough for deleted content .
I did find the chainset helper module (https://github.com/prosemirror/prosemirror-changeset). I believe this can be used to turn a sequence of document changes into sets of insertions and deletions, and then the insertion/deletion sets used to render changes with in-line decorations. Which is pretty perfect for my needs however I’m really struggling to get this working and couldn’t find many examples.
What I am trying to do (at least at first) is keep track of changes with a plugin state field and then add changes with addSteps
as new transactions occur. Is that a sensible approach?
export class TrackChangesConfig extends Common.Config {
constructor(options) {
const trackChangesPluginKey = new PluginKey('trackchanges');
this.trackChangesPlugin = new Plugin({
key: trackChangesPluginKey,
props: {
decorations(state) {
// TODO: Add decoration for additions and deletions.
state: {
init(config, instance) {
return {
changeset: ChangeSet.create(instance)
apply: function (transaction, currentValue, oldState, newState) {
let changes = currentValue.changeset
changes.addSteps(transaction.doc, transaction.mapping.maps)
currentValue.changeset = changes
return currentValue
But I’m not seeing the changes stored in the changeset. Wondering if I am misunderstanding how to use prosemirror-changeset? I had a look for some examples but couldn’t find anyone using the changeset helper module like I am. Do any examples exist?
Any help or feedback much appreciated. Thank you