Prosemirror-Test-Builder Typescript Error

Hi, I am using the prosemirrror-test-builder library in typescript. My code works just fine in js

const {p,doc,div} = builders(schema,{ p:{nodeType:"paragraph"}, div:{nodeType:"div"}})
export const flatNodes = () => doc(p({id:"1"},"hello"),p({id:"2"}," world"))

but when using typescript I get this error:

TS2345: Argument of type ‘{ id: string; }’ is not assignable to parameter of type ‘string | TaggedProsemirrorNode | TaggedFlatObject’. Object literal may only specify known properties, and ‘id’ does not exist in type 'TaggedProsemirrorNode | TaggedFlatObject

This is my schema

export default new Schema({
    nodes: {
        text: {},
        paragraph: {
            attrs: {
                id: {}
            content: "text*",
            toDOM() { return ["p", 0]; },
            parseDOM: [{ tag: "p" }]
        div: {
            attrs: {
                id: {}
            content: "paragraph*",
            toDOM() { return ["div", 0]; },
            parseDOM: [{ tag: "div" }]
        doc: { 
            attrs: {
                id: {
            content: "(paragraph|div)*" }

It’s possible that the types for test-builder are just not very good, and the problem is entirely in there.