Range error index out of range for custom react node view renderer used to handle image uploads, resizing and selection

Hi, i have a working code of image upload handler extension used in a custom tiptap package, what i want to do is i am showing a placeholder using placeholder plugin to upload image and once the image url arrives, i replace it with the image node. But the problem here is while the image is being uploaded, ie placeholder, i cannot navigate the cursor below the placeholder if there are no contents below the placeholer. I want user to use the editor while the image is being uploaded. When i try to insert a paragraph node in the transaction while creating a placeholder, it throws a range error. something like : RangeError: Index 7 out of range for <paragraph, paragraph(“hello there”), uploadImage, paragraph, uploadImage, paragraph(“typing below the image is fun”), paragraph>

my start image upload code : function startImageUpload(view: any, file: File, schema: any) { imagePreview = URL.createObjectURL(file) // A fresh object to act as the ID for this upload const id = {} // Replace the selection with a placeholder let tr = view.state.tr

if (!tr.selection.empty) tr.deleteSelection()

tr.setMeta(placeholderPlugin, { add: { id, pos: tr.selection.from } }) view.dispatch(tr)

uploadFn?.(file).then( async (url: string) => { await loadImageInBackground(url)

  const pos = findPlaceholder(view.state, id)

  if (pos == null) return
  // If the content around the placeholder has been deleted, drop the image

  // Insert the uploaded image at the placeholder's position
      .replaceWith(pos, pos, schema.nodes.uploadImage.create({ src: url }))
      .setMeta(placeholderPlugin, { remove: { id } })
() => {
  // On failure, clean up the placeholder
  view.dispatch(tr.setMeta(placeholderPlugin, { remove: { id } }))

) }

full code :

import { Plugin, Transaction } from '@tiptap/pm/state'
import { Decoration, DecorationSet } from '@tiptap/pm/view'
import { mergeAttributes, Node, nodeInputRule } from '@tiptap/core'
import { ReactNodeViewRenderer } from '@tiptap/react'
import { ImageResizeComponent } from './ImageResizeComponent'
export const inputRegex =
let imagePreview: string | null = null
let uploadFn: ((file: File) => Promise<string>) | null = null
interface UploadImageOptions {
  inline: boolean
  HTMLAttributes: Record<string, any>
  uploadFn: ((file: File) => Promise<string>) | null
  deleteImage?: (id: string) => Promise<void>
export const UploadImage = Node.create<UploadImageOptions>({
  name: 'uploadImage',
  onCreate() {
    uploadFn = this.options.uploadFn
  addOptions() {
    return {
      inline: false,
      group: 'block',
      draggable: 'true',
      HTMLAttributes: {},
      uploadFn: null,
      deleteImage: undefined,
  inline() {
    return this.options.inline
  group() {
    return this.options.inline ? 'inline' : 'block'
  draggable: true,
  addAttributes() {
    return {
      src: {
        default: null,
      alt: {
        default: null,
      title: {
        default: null,
      width: {
        default: '100%',
        renderHTML: (attributes: Record<string, any>) => {
          return {
            width: attributes.width,
      height: {
        default: 'auto',
        renderHTML: (attributes: Record<string, any>) => {
          return {
            height: attributes.height,
      isDraggable: {
        default: true,
        renderHTML: () => {
          return {}
  parseHTML() {
    return [
        tag: 'img[src]',
  renderHTML({ HTMLAttributes }) {
    return ['img', mergeAttributes(this.options.HTMLAttributes, HTMLAttributes)]
  addNodeView() {
    return ReactNodeViewRenderer(ImageResizeComponent)
  addCommands() {
    const { deleteImage } = this.options
    return {
      addImage: () => () => {
        const fileHolder = document.createElement('input')
        fileHolder.setAttribute('type', 'file')
        fileHolder.setAttribute('accept', 'image/*')
        fileHolder.setAttribute('style', 'visibility:hidden')
        const view = this.editor.view
        const schema = this.editor.schema
        fileHolder.addEventListener('change', (e: Event) => {
          const target = e.target as HTMLInputElement
          if (
            view.state.selection.$from.parent.inlineContent &&
          ) {
            if (typeof uploadFn !== 'function') {
              console.log('uploadFn should be a function')
            startImageUpload(view, target.files[0], schema)
        () =>
        ({ state, dispatch }) => {
          const { selection } = state
          const node = state.doc.nodeAt(selection.from)
          if (node && node.type.name === this.name) {
            const imageUrl = node.attrs.src
            dispatch &&

            if (deleteImage) {

            return true
          return false
  addInputRules() {
    return [
        find: inputRegex,
        type: this.type,
        getAttributes: (match) => {
          const [, , alt, src, title, height, width, isDraggable] = match
          return { src, alt, title, height, width, isDraggable }
  addProseMirrorPlugins() {
    return [placeholderPlugin]
// Plugin for placeholder
const placeholderPlugin = new Plugin({
  state: {
    init() {
      return DecorationSet.empty
    apply(tr: Transaction, set: DecorationSet) {
      // Adjust decoration positions to changes made by the transaction
      set = set.map(tr.mapping, tr.doc)
      const action = tr.getMeta(placeholderPlugin)
      if (action?.add) {
        const widget = document.createElement('div')
        const img = document.createElement('img')
        img.src = imagePreview ?? ''
        const deco = Decoration.widget(action.add.pos, widget, {
          id: action.add.id,
        set = set.add(tr.doc, [deco])
      } else if (action?.remove) {
        set = set.remove(
          set.find(undefined, undefined, (spec) => spec.id === action.remove.id)
      return set
  props: {
    decorations(state) {
      return this.getState(state)
// Find the placeholder in the editor
function findPlaceholder(state: any, id: any): number | null {
  const decos = placeholderPlugin.getState(state)
  const found =
    decos && decos.find(undefined, undefined, (spec) => spec.id === id)
  return found && found.length ? found[0].from : null
function startImageUpload(view: any, file: File, schema: any) {
  imagePreview = URL.createObjectURL(file)
  // A fresh object to act as the ID for this upload
  const id = {}
  // Replace the selection with a placeholder
  let tr = view.state.tr

  if (!tr.selection.empty) tr.deleteSelection()

  tr.setMeta(placeholderPlugin, { add: { id, pos: tr.selection.from } })

    async (url: string) => {
      await loadImageInBackground(url)

      const pos = findPlaceholder(view.state, id)

      if (pos == null) return
      // If the content around the placeholder has been deleted, drop the image

      // Insert the uploaded image at the placeholder's position
          .replaceWith(pos, pos, schema.nodes.uploadImage.create({ src: url }))
          .setMeta(placeholderPlugin, { remove: { id } })
    () => {
      // On failure, clean up the placeholder
      view.dispatch(tr.setMeta(placeholderPlugin, { remove: { id } }))
function loadImageInBackground(url: string): Promise<HTMLImageElement> {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const img = new Image()
    img.src = url
    img.onload = () => resolve(img)
    img.onerror = reject

This is the code before I added a paragraph node in the transaction while creating a placeholder. some help here would be appreciated. thanks!