Repeating a command at a different position

I would like to repeat a command at two different positions in a document, but I’m unsure how to get the updated state after the first command.

Say I have a document that has two sections with the same structure. For example:

Worked Solution

When a user hits backspace and deletes any part/subpart from the top section, I would like to repeat the same command in the bottom section for the same part/subpart. I can already find the correct position in the bottom section, but I can’t seem to run a command multiple times because the command requires the current state and the state has changed after the first command.

Right now, when a user hits backspace prosemirror calls

chainCommands(deleteSelection, joinBackward, selectNodeBackward)

What I’m trying to do is add a command before that which determines if a part/subpart is about to be deleted then calls the same sequence of commands in the bottom section:

chainCommands(customDelete, deleteSelection, joinBackward, selectNodeBackward)

function customDelete(state: EditorState, dispatch: (tr: Transaction) => void, view: EditorView): boolean {
  let willDelete = //some stuff to determine if a part is about to be deleted
  if(!willDelete) return false;
  const { selection, doc } = state;
  let pos = //some stuff to find the position in the bottom section

  if(selection.empty) {
    joinBackward(state, dispatch, view);
    //I know this is wrong. How do I do it correctly?
    let newSelection = TextSelection.create(doc, pos);
    state.selection = newSelection;
    joinBackwards(state, dispatch, view);
    return true;

  deleteSelection(state, dispatch, view);
  //I know this is wrong. How do I do it correctly?
  let newSelection = TextSelection.create(doc, pos);
  state.selection = newSelection;
  joinBackwards(state, dispatch, view);
  return true;

I know the problem is after the first joinBackwards or deleteSelection the state has changed and I need the new, updated state. Is there a way I can get that updated state? Is there a better way to do this?

As an alternative, is there a way to add metadata to a transaction before calling joinBackwards or deleteSelection so I can find that transaction in a plugin’s appendTransaction function?

Thanks a lot!

The third argument to commands (the view) can be used to access the view’s current state.

That worked! Thanks a lot, Marijn!