Span getting merged as soon as new overlapped comment is added

Hi folks, i am using tiptap editor and trying to build the comment extension in that and everything is working fine but i am facing the issue in specific to overlap

Example: Proemirror is best tool so let’s say i select the “best” word and write the comment over it it work fine and create a span like this

<span data-comment="29e4b0ee-6565-4f45-9694-cf3c1b5599f6">best</span>

but as soon as i select text example “is best tool” the initial comment goes away and now i have only thing which is

<span data-comment="29edsgsd4f-6565-4f45-9694-cf3c1b5599f6">is best tool</span>

But ideally it should look like this

<span data-comment="29edsgsd4f-6565-4f45-9694-cf3c1b5599f6">is</span>
<span data-comment="29e4b0ee-6565-4f45-9694-cf3c1b5599f6 29edsgsd4f-6565-4f45-9694-cf3c1b5599f6">best</span>
<span data-comment="29edsgsd4f-6565-4f45-9694-cf3c1b5599f6">tool</span>

How should i achieve this can anyone help me out

I am attaching my extension

import { getMarkRange, Mark, mergeAttributes } from "@tiptap/react";
import { Plugin, TextSelection } from "prosemirror-state";

export const Comment = Mark.create({
  name: "comment",
  excludes: "",
  addOptions() {
    return {
      HTMLAttributes: {},
  addAttributes() {
    return {
      comment: {
        default: null,
        parseHTML: (el) => el.getAttribute("data-comment"),
        renderHTML: (attrs) => ({ "data-comment": attrs.comment }),

  parseHTML() {
    return [
        tag: "span[data-comment]",
        getAttrs: (el) => !!el.getAttribute("data-comment")?.trim() && null,

  renderHTML({ HTMLAttributes }) {
    return [
      mergeAttributes(this.options.HTMLAttributes, HTMLAttributes),

  addCommands() {
    return {
        (comment) =>
        ({ commands }) =>
          commands.setMark("comment", { comment }),
        () =>
        ({ commands }) =>
        () =>
        ({ commands }) =>

  addProseMirrorPlugins() {
    return [
      new Plugin({
        props: {
          handleClick(view, pos) {
            const { schema, doc, tr } = view.state;

            const range = getMarkRange(doc.resolve(pos), schema.marks.comment);

            if (!range) return false;

            const [$start, $end] = [

            view.dispatch(tr.setSelection(new TextSelection($start, $end)));

            return true;

We are facing the same issue . If you have get any solution please inform us…

+1, facing same issue as well

excludes: "" should do the job but it will generate nested span tags, and not how you’d like to have it by merging the classes.

It should look like this:

<span data-comment="29edsgsd4f-6565-4f45-9694-cf3c1b5599f6">
<span data-comment="29e4b0ee-6565-4f45-9694-cf3c1b5599f6">best</span>
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