Style removed from schema but still available through menu

I’ve removed h1 from my schema. Now any text with the h1 tag is converted to the current style when pasted into the editor. This is great.

However, menu Heading > Level 1 is still present in the menu. I expected that, even though I kind of hoped it would automatically be removed.

What I did not expect is that the Heading > Level 1 menu works normally: it can actually insert h1 tag in my document. What am I missing?

There is no h1 as such in the basic schema – there’s a heading with a level attribute. What do you mean when you say you removed h1?

What do you mean when you say you removed h1?

const { nodes } = require('prosemirror-schema-basic')
nodes.heading = {
	attrs: {level: {default: 2}},	// 2 instead of 1
	content: "inline<_>*",
	group: "block",
	defining: true,
	parseDOM: [ {tag: "h2", attrs: {level: 2}},	// Removed h1 here
				{tag: "h3", attrs: {level: 3}},
				{tag: "h4", attrs: {level: 4}},
				{tag: "h5", attrs: {level: 5}},
				{tag: "h6", attrs: {level: 6}}],
	toDOM(node) { return ["h" + node.attrs.level, 0] }

The rational for the above is that I want a document with one h1 title and then no more h1. So my code also contains:

nodes.heading1 = {
	content: "inline<_>*",
	defining: true,
	parseDOM: [{tag: "h1"}],
	toDOM(node) { return ["h1", 0] }
nodes.doc.content = 'heading1 block*'

That just changes the default level and does nothing to forbid headers with {level: 1} from occurring. The items that example-setup creates for the menu also aren’t that clever – they won’t appear if there isn’t a heading node type, but they won’t try to automatically figure out the minimum heading level.

Use a different node type for the H1 headings, that makes it much easier to specify schema constraints.

This forbids header with {level:1} because there’s no parseDOM rule for level 1, right? As I said, it works well when doing copy/past…

For those landing here, the code for removing h1 completely is:

What do you mean when you say you removed h1?

const { nodes } = require('prosemirror-schema-basic')
nodes.heading = {
	attrs: {level: {default: 2}},	// 2 instead of 1
	content: "inline<_>*",
	group: "block",
	defining: true,
	parseDOM: [ {tag: "h2", attrs: {level: 2}},	// Removed h1 here
				{tag: "h3", attrs: {level: 3}},
				{tag: "h4", attrs: {level: 4}},
				{tag: "h5", attrs: {level: 5}},
				{tag: "h6", attrs: {level: 6}}],
	toDOM(node) { 
		if(node.attrs.level < 2 || node.attrs.level > 6) 
			return	// Prevent h1 generation here
		return ["h" + node.attrs.level, 0] }

With the modified toDOM function, the menu bar cannot insert h1 anymore.