TextSelection is undefined

Getting TextSelection is undefined when attempting to create a new selection using TextSelection.create(). I haven’t been able to find anything in the docs about this - am I missing something? Does anyone have a working example I could reference? That would be very helpful. Thanks!

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Sounds like you are not importing it (from prosemirror-state).

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:man_facepalming: That works thank you!

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I’m having the same problem. But I’m forced to import ProseMirror from Kendo’s Library (the kendo-react-editor component).

On Kendo’s documentation site, their example on StackBlitz works. I have the same imports they have, which are: { Editor, EditorTools, EditorUtils, ProseMirror } from from “@progress/kendo-react-editor”;

I understand this might be a newb-ish question, but what am I missing to make this work?

Figured it out :slight_smile:. In case anyone else runs into this problem, as @marijn suggested, I was simply missing:

import { TextSelection } from “prosemirror-state”

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