Trigger tooltip clicking on node with specific type

 let plugin1 = new Plugin({
            props: {
                handleDOMEvents: {
                    click(view, event) {
                        const tip: any = tippy(, {
                            hideOnClick: 'toggle',
                            allowHTML: true,
                            trigger: 'manual',
                            placement: 'top',
                            content: '<div style="color: red;">Tooltip</div>',
                        // @ts-ignore
                        // debugger;
                        return false;
        this.editorView = new EditorView({ mount: this.element }, {
            state: EditorState.create({
                plugins: plugins.concat([plugin1])

the tooltip is not open or injecting the content(

) to the editor instead of temporary open mini modal and close it after clicking outside the element.

i tried to use the example from the documentation with the tooltip. but it works on selection and not on click. when i tried to do

   handleDOMEvents: {
                    click(view, event) {
return new SelectionSizeTooltip(view)

its also not working and it injecting the content to the editor.

I think this is caused by the fact that the editor often preventDefaults mousedown events, which will prevent click events from firing at all. Try working with mousedown instead, or the handleClickOn prop.