Use NodeView but cant copy full content

when I use nodeView to render a node ,I cant copy full content that I selected,why? example code:

blockquote node

import Node from './Node';
import { NodeViewComponentFunc } from '@richSrc/types/node-view/base-node-view';
import BlockquoteNodeView from '@richSrc/node-views/BlockquoteNodeView';
import { Decoration, EditorView } from 'prosemirror-view';
import { Node as ProsemirrorNode } from 'prosemirror-model';
import BlockquoteBase from '@richSrc/components/node-view/Blockquote';
export default class Blockquote extends Node {
	get name() {
		return 'blockquote';

	get schema() {
		return {
			content: 'block+',

			parseDOM: [{ tag: 'blockquote' }],
			toDOM: () => ['div', ['div', ['blockquote', 0]]]

	component: NodeViewComponentFunc = props => {
		return <BlockquoteBase {...props} readOnly={this.options.readOnly} />;

	nodeView = (
		node: ProsemirrorNode,
		view: EditorView,
		getPos: () => number,
		decorations: Decoration[]
	) => {
		return new BlockquoteNodeView(this.component, {
			editor: this.editor,
import React from 'react';
import type { NodeViewComponentOptions } from '@richSrc/types/node-view/base-node-view';

const BlockquoteBase: React.FC<NodeViewComponentOptions> = props => {
	return <div></div>;
export default BlockquoteBase;
import NodeViewBase from '../node-views/NodeViewBase';
import type { NodeViewComponentFunc } from '../types/node-view/base-node-view';

export default class ExpandBlockNodeView extends NodeViewBase {
	contentDOM: HTMLSpanElement;
	constructor(component: NodeViewComponentFunc, { editor, node, view, getPos, decorations }) {
		super(component, { editor, node, view, getPos, decorations });
		this.dom = document.createElement('span');
		this.contentDOM = document.createElement('blockquote');
		this.contentDOM.title = node.attrs.title;
		this.renderElement(() => {
			this.dom && this.dom.firstChild?.appendChild(this.contentDOM);

when I try to copy


if I dont use component and nodeView,I get
if I use,I get “3”


i got this problem

I’m not familiar with the @richSrc abstractions you’re using here. But since clipboard serialization and deserialization goes through the node’s toDOM/parseDOM logic, not the node views, using a node view shouldn’t matter (at least in plain ProseMirror—again, the 3rd party libs you’re using might work differently).

Hi!I find that when I use nodeView in schema,my selection is not correct,such as I want to select two paragraphs in this blockquote,if I use NodeView to render it ,TextSelection will be only One Line ‘33333’,but I delete component and nodeView ,I will get ‘22222222/n 333333333’, So this problem maybe not caused by copy event ,probably it is a selection problem

@richSrc is just types, react component in my project,not not a third-party repository