What is the right way to use $from.path

sometimes i need to find the cursor is in my custom plugin or not, the method is like blow:

findParentNode(path, check) {
  for (let i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    if (check(path[i])) {
      return {
        node: path[i],
        pos: path[i - 1]
  return null

const target = findParentNode($from.path, item => item.type && item.type.name === "pluginName")
...Decoration.node(target.pos, target.pos + target.node.nodeSize, attrubutes)

i do know path is not on type $from and typescript throw typing error , while $from.path is really helpful, what is the proper way to use $from.path or how can i findParentNode without $from.path

There is no proper way to use ResolvedPos.path, since it is not part of the public interface.