Cursor Parking - A tool to help handle native browser issues

In our old editor, we had a number of issues where if you prevented default, the browser would get confused. The basic example is if you are in a list and you hit enter to create a new list item. On iOS, the browser would “think” that you were still typing with the previous list item. This would lead to issues with predictive text, auto capitalization, spellcheck, and typing in Korean.

We asked ourself “is there some way we can get this working without preventing default?” So what we did was create a temporary container, move the native selection to that container, let the browser trash that container if it desires, then move the cursor back after the input event fires and clean up the container. This allowed us to let the default event propagate but in a sandbox that was hidden from the user. This then allowed iOS to think that a paragraph was inserted and then update its internal state.

In migrating to Prosemirror, we adapted the “cursor parking” solution and added it to a plugin. With this plugin, you can dispatch a meta transaction with isCursorParking set to true to move the selection to cursor parking and then dispatch a meta transaction with isCursorParking set to false to restore the previous selection. This is still a work in progress but it looks like this

import { Plugin, PluginKey } from "prosemirror-state";

export const pluginKey = new PluginKey("cursor-parking");

export default () =>
  new Plugin({
    key: pluginKey,
    state: {
      init() {
        return {
          inCursorParking: false,
          storedMarks: null,
          bookmarkToRestore: null
      apply(tr, prevState) {
        const meta = tr.getMeta(this);
        if (meta) {
          if (meta.inCursorParking) {
            return {
              inCursorParking: true,
              storedMarks: tr.storedMarks,
              bookmarkToRestore: tr.selection.getBookmark()
          } else {
            return {
              inCursorParking: false,
              storedMarks: null,
              bookmarkToRestore: null
        if (
          tr.docChanged &&
          prevState.inCursorParking &&
        ) {
          return {
            inCursorParking: true,
            storedMarks: prevState.storedMarks,
        return prevState;
    view() {
      const cursorParking = document.createElement("cursor-parking");
      cursorParking.setAttribute("tabIndex", "-1");
      cursorParking.setAttribute("contenteditable", "true");

      const selectCursorParkingContent = () => {
        const range = document.createRange();
        const sel = window.getSelection();
      const reinitializeCursorParkingContent = () => {
        cursorParking.innerHTML = "<div><br/></div>";
      return {
        update(view, prevState) {
          const prevInputState = pluginKey.getState(prevState);
          const inputState = pluginKey.getState(view.state);
          if (!prevInputState.inCursorParking && inputState.inCursorParking) {
          if (prevInputState.inCursorParking && !inputState.inCursorParking) {
            const {
              state: { tr }
            } = view;
            if (prevInputState.bookmarkToRestore) {
            if (prevInputState.storedMarks) {
        destroy() {

// If you just need a quick toggle
export const toggleCursorParking = async view => {
  view.dispatch(, {
      inCursorParking: true
  await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 0));
  view.dispatch(, {
      inCursorParking: false

This has allowed to get around issues such as

We were also able to implement touchbar support on Safari by mapping different inputTypes on the beforeinput to our internal commands (bold, italic forecolor, etc.) and then moving the selection to cursor parking. The input event fires and trashes cursor parking, and then we restore the selection after the fact.

This was an important tool in our old editor and hopefully you guys can find some use out of it.